Excel Power course
Power Query, Power Pivot & DAX

Automated data mining from an unlimited range of sources

Powerful data processing and transformation

More efficient
calculations using DAX formulas

Updating data and reports in just a few seconds

Interactive visual solutions
Power Queryis the most powerful Excel data processing tool ever created for business users.
The aim of the online course is to create a deeper understanding and gain practical skills in data analysis using the most powerful analysis tools -Power Queryun Power Pivot, creating and adapting data reports for various needs, as well as performing calculations.
Practical online lessons will cover topics useful to you, for example, the possibility of loading large amounts of data (even many millions of rows); how to automate data extraction from various sources and save many hours of regular data conversion work; how to create dynamic calculate indicators using data analysis expressions (DAX); how to visualize calculations in graphs, customized tables, creating automatically updated information panels (or Dashboards).

Insights into Excel Power Masterclasses
Watch, apply and see you in the online course!
What is Power Query?
Insights into Power Pivot & DAX
Data visualization (Dashboards)
Managers, financiers, economists, accountants, managers of structural units and projects, all interested parties who use MS Excel for data processing, accounting, reports and analytics on a daily basis
Those who want to increase their professional competences in using Excel, improve their qualifications and competitiveness in the labor market
Those who value speed, efficiency, transparency in working with data in the Excel environment
In powerful and practical online master classes aYou will gain professional competence in data processing, analysis and visualization with the most effective business analytics solution tools, Excel.
Practicing the knowledge gained in the master classes:
you will save many hours in data processing and analysis
you will reduce the risk of mistakes to a minimum
data analysis with Power Pivot & DAX will change your everyday life by 180. Such analysis is not possible with traditional tools
The opportunity to learn Power Query and Power Pivot in Latvian, in easy-to-understand video tutorials under the guidance of an expert
Professionally prepared materials
Recommendations and suggestions
Live support and discussions
After listening to the course and completing the practical tasks, you will getExcel Know How certificate, who will certify your newly acquired competences.
Successful completion of the course requires a version of MS Excel with Power Query (or Get & Transform) functionality, as well as Power Pivot functionality.
Get & Transform functionality is available in all versions starting with Excel 2016. On the other hand, Excel 2010 and 2013 is available as a free plug-in (add-on).
Power Pivot functionality is available in all subscription versions of Office 365, which include the workstation version of Excel. It is also included in Office 2019 versions, Office 2016 and 2013 Pro Plus, as well as separately purchased (without Office) Excel 2013 and 2016 versions.
All examples are prepared using Excel Office 365 version.
The course is intended for Microsoft Windows users.

(video material a little over 10 hours)
Power Query (Connections and transformation of raw data)
Introduction to Power Query.
Data acquisition (importing) from Excel files, CSV files, databases, Internet, etc. resources.
Connections and transformation of raw data.
Basic table transformation, text, number & date tools.
Conditional columns, grouping & data aggregation.
Customizing, merging, supplementing and correcting queries.
Data analysis with Power Pivot & DAX, preparation of reports
Linking Power Query tables (relationships).
Introduction to Data Analysis Expressions (DAX).
Most commonly used DAX formulas.
Creation of new calculation columns, measurements (columns, measures).
Data visualization
Using visual filters in the context of multiple graphs and tables.
Automatically renewing schedules.
Advanced visualization capabilities using OLAP formulas.

Excel Power kurss
Power Query, Power Pivot & DAX
Learn Excel Power
online and/or independently at your convenience!
Strukturēts soli pa solim uz praktisku apguvi vērsts video kurss ar patstāvīgiem darba uzdevumiem
295,- EUR*
245,- EUR*
* cena privātpersonām; uzņēmumiem + PVN
Access to course materials instantly, paying by card
click on the link
Excel Power Online Course
A structured step-by-step video course aimed at practical learning with independent work assignments
Video materials for independent learning a little over 10 hours
12 months to complete the course
Excel Know How team support
The value of the course is EUR 295
Bonus - A detailed video course on Excel PivotTables
Excel Power FAQ
What will I gain from this course?
The knowledge and skills acquired in this course will help you become more efficient in working with data, save many hours and reduce the risk of errors in data processing and analysis. With Excel's Power Query and Power Pivot functionalities, data processing, automation and analysis gain unprecedented capabilities. Your professional qualification will increase significantly.
How much time does it take to learn the course?
As with any other skill, Excel Power can be learned if you take the time and it all depends on how quickly you want to learn it. The more time you invest, the faster you will learn. Our students spend about 2 hours a week on the Excel Power Online course materials and spend 4-6 weeks studying the course. However, if it will not be possible to learn the course material for a longer period, access to materials and video lectures is 12 months. It will be possible to learn at your own pace, at a time convenient for you. On the other hand, the online course under the guidance of the instructor takes place 4 times for 2 hours each week and an additional lesson will be organized 1-2 months after the course. In addition, it is recommended to practice what you have learned independently.
What are the learning options for Excel Power?
There are several options for learning Excel Power
Online with the instructor 4+1 meetings of 2 hours each, where the full course program is learned online together with the instructor. All online classes are recorded. In addition to the live broadcasts, access to the Excel Power Online self-study course is provided, where all course topics are pre-prepared in short video recordings. In order to successfully start or continue the application of knowledge in practice, participants have access to a 2-hour individual consultation with a teacher. The nearest group times are indicated on the course page.
The course can also be learned independently in the Excel Power Online self-study course. It consists of short videos covering all course topics. The course includes several independent works in which to practice the newly acquired knowledge. Evaluation of them is given personally to each participant. If you have any questions while watching, you can ask them immediately in the discussion window or by sending a private message to ask@excelknowhow.com, and I or one of my teammates will be happy to help!
What version of Excel do I need to take this course?
Work in Excel Power theme is a version of Excel installed on a Microsoft Windows computer. Get & Transform or Power Query functionality is available in all versions starting with Excel 2016. On the other hand, Excel 2010 and 2013 is available as a free plug-in (add-on). Power Pivot functionality is available in all subscription versions of Microsoft 365, which include the desktop version of Excel. It is also included in Office 2019 versions, Office 2016 and 2013 Pro Plus, as well as separately purchased (without Office) Excel 2013 and 2016 versions. All examples are prepared using the Microsoft 365 version of Excel. The course is intended for Microsoft Windows users.
Are there any other technical prerequisites for successful completion of the course?If you will participate in the live broadcasts, remember to install the Zoom app, and it is also preferable to participate in the live broadcasts with a computer and two monitors (one to watch the live broadcast, the other to work). It is preferable that the computer has at least 8 Gb of RAM or RAM.
Which of the study formats is the most suitable for you?
If it is important for you to learn new knowledge and skills under the guidance of a teacher, then it is recommended to choose an Online course. On the other hand, if you want to organize your training time independently and easily combine training with studies, work and hobbies , then choose the Excel Power Online self-study course might be more suitable for you. The online training format includes an individual consultation as a bonus , which will give an opportunity to further strengthen knowledge and ensure its practical application.
How can I be sure that I will succeed in learning Excel Power?More than 250 participants have already completed the Excel Power course under my guidance. We get a lot of feedback and news about how members have changed their working habits with Excel and express their genuine excitement for choosing to go this route. We are always available with our advice and support, as well as share valuable examples, from the course participants and our own experience. Excel Power Online course content is organized in such a way that independent learning is convenient and understandable. Also, the course materials serve perfectly as a convenient reference material even later after the course. Remember, you have access to the materials for a whole year and you don't have to worry if you can't remember and learn everything right away. Compared to face-to-face training, this format allows you to learn the course topics guaranteed.
When does the course start and how long will I have access to this training?
The course starts immediately after payment by card or Paypal. If you have chosen to pay for the course by bank transfer, you will access the lessons on the day the payment is received. You will have access to training for 12 months. You can learn at your own pace or return to the materials at any time to brush up or review information on any course topic.
What prior knowledge is required to learn the Excel Power course?
No prior knowledge is required for the Excel Power course, however, previous experience working with Excel, the ability to create PivotTables, perform various calculations and analytical thinking could help you in the learning process. This course also includes the complete Excel PivotTables course material, giving you the opportunity to learn and expand your knowledge on this topic as well.
How to receive an invoice on company details?
If payment is made with a company card, indicate the company name, registration number, address and account number in the notes. You will receive an invoice with the specified details by e-mail within one day.
If you want to pay for the course by transfer to our bank account, click on the "I want to pay by transfer" button, fill in the information we have asked you to provide about yourself and in the additional notes write the company name, registration number, address and account number. and number of employees. You will receive an invoice payment with the specified details to your e-mail within one day.
Instructor and author of the course
Ivars Krampis - Vaags
Ivars Krampis-Vanags is a business data analysis expert who has been using MS Excel in his daily life for more than 20 years. Experience and professional activities are related to financial management, analysis and planning. Consults and develops data analysis solutions using Excel and Power BI on a daily basis. Confidently deals with complicated situations in the Excel environment, providing professional consultations and development of various solutions in the form of a service for companies and other interested parties, in data automation and visualization.
His courses are aimed at those who want to learn Excel, improve their professional competences and achieve more faster.
Ivar's passion is learning, sharing and solving difficult Excel problems.

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Swedbank AS, HABALV22