What does Power BI data analysis do?
Collect, analyze and visualize all company data together!
Automated data extraction from more than 100 sources
Easy and fast data acquisition from Excel, CSV, Web and various databases
Powerful data processing and transformation with simple steps
Creation of dynamic calculation indicators (financial, statistical, time dynamics, iterations, text analysis, etc.)
Advanced data analysis capabilities, in different cuts as needed
Reporting and customization for different business units
Updating data and reports in just a few seconds
Creating auto-renewing dashboards or Dashboards
Interactive visual solutions and current business information in a web browser and mobile application
Sharing reports within your organization or publicly
Powerr BI - high level data analytics that you can do too!
Ievads Power BI
Datu importēšana un sagatavošana
Datu modelēšana
Datu vizualizācija
Power BI atskaišu publicēšana un kopīgošana
Izvēlies sev atbilstošāko apmācību veidu
Ja Tev ir svarīga tieša mijiedarbība ar pasniedzēju un iespēja uzdot jautājumus uz vietas, kā arī dod priekšroku mazām grupām, kurās vari efektīvāk apgūt materiālu un pielietot iegūtās zināšanas praksē, klātienes apmācības būs ideāls risinājums. Šāda mācību forma palīdz labāk iesaistīties un motivēties, nodrošinot pilnvērtīgu mācību pieredzi.
Ja vēlies mācīties savā tempā un jebkurā sev ērtā laikā, online apmācības ir ideāla izvēle. Šī mācību forma nodrošina elastību un piekļuvi materiāliem, kas palīdz atkārtot un nostiprināt zināšanas, kad vien nepieciešams. Ja Tu vērtē brīvību un iespēju pielāgot mācību procesu savām vajadzībām, online apmācības sniegs Tev maksimālu ērtību un efektivitāti.
Become a Power BI expert!
For a safer start and maximum learning result
Four practical lessons combined with theory. The duration of one lesson is 2 hours
Live: Next class dates will be announced in March
All lessons are recorded for replay on the learning website
Power BI Online course (40 ac.h.) - access to video materials for independent learning with work assignments
In addition to 1x per month live lessons/consultation - questions/answers/discussions/practical examples (video recordings of live lessons will be available on the learning platform)
12 months access to learning materials
Excel Know How team support
Participation fee EUR 585 (*price for individuals; companies + VAT)
The number of places in the course is limited
For a safer start and maximum learning result
Four practical lessons combined with theory. The duration of one lesson is 2 hours
Live: Next class dates will be announced in March
All lessons are recorded for replay on the learning website
Power BI Online course (40 ac.h.) - access to video materials for independent learning with work assignments
In addition to 1x per month live lessons/consultation - questions/answers/discussions/practical examples (video recordings of live lessons will be available on the learning platform)
12 months access to learning materials
Excel Know How team support
Participation fee EUR 585 (*price for individuals; companies + VAT)
The number of places in the course is limited
* Kurss sākas uzreiz pēc tā apmaksas ar karti vai Paypal. Ja kursu esi izvēlējies apmaksāt ar pārskaitījumu, tad mācībām piekļūsi dienā, kad tiks saņemta apmaksa.